We seemed to have reached a tipping point in our understanding of how important it is that all children can see themselves — and each other — reflected in the books they read. But a commitment to using diverse books doesn’t automatically provide an action plan. Author-illustrator and diversity advocate Anne Sibley O’Brien will provide an overview of research on how children develop racial/cultural identities, the impact of diverse books, and strategies for identifying quality books and using them effectively. This presentation will be followed by a Q&A session in which we’ll explore challenges, solutions, booklists, and resources to support teachers and librarians in applying this knowledge to their own libraries.
When you register, please share a question: What’s a challenge you encounter in finding, choosing, and/or using diverse books?
Anne Sibley O’Brien has published 38 children’s books which she wrote and/or illustrated (and has visited many IRW schools), and has been involved in antiracism and diversity education for more than forty years. She is the co-founder of two Maine-based projects featuring diverse children’s literature: I’m Your Neighbor Books and the Diverse BookFinder.
Pre-registration required. Contact hours will be required.